Need an attorney with years of experience to help you navigate the legal complexities of guardianship?
Look no further.

There are many reasons you might need to have an experienced guardianship attorney.
Most people don’t understand what a guardianship is until family circumstances push them into a place that they need to learn and learn quickly! That’s alright, because I’m here to help you through all the complexities of legal guardianship.
A guardianship is the designated legal responsibility for another person’s health and well-being. You might need a guardianship attorney if you:
• Are supporting an adult who can no longer take care of their own medical or housing decisions.
• Have an adult child with disabilities who needs your support.
• Become responsible for a child whose parents are deceased.
• Have been appointed as a guardian by a court of law.
Guardianship is not the same as Power of Attorney, and the differences are important.
If you are supporting someone who has set up a Power of Attorney so that you can help make decisions for them, this is not the same thing as a guardianship. A power of attorney does not terminate their legal ability to act or sign documents for themselves. If you’re not sure about a legal situation or a loved one’s ability to sign legal documents for themselves, it’s time to call. Having a lawyer to help you navigate will change everything about this emotionally charged season of your life.
It is also important to note that Power of Attorney is a legal action that can be revoked at any time. Termination of a guardianship can only come through court order. So if you need more permanent ways to support someone in your family, you’ll want to call so we can work through establishing a guardianship.
"On a scale of 1 to 5, Lori was a 6."
If you need a supportive lawyer to help you navigate family law, I aim to make hiring me an easy choice. With decades of experience and a love of helping families, you don’t have to do any of it alone any more. Give me a call today.