Divorce & Custody

Divorce and custody battles are filled with difficult decisions. Choosing an experienced, responsive divorce attorney shouldn't be one of them.
Divorce Attorney Custody Attorney Family law lawyer Lori Jenkins, Salem Oregon

During one of the most difficult times of your life, you need someone in your corner.

Divorce is difficult. I attempt to minimize the difficulty. I provide individualized services striving to lessen both the emotional and financial impact to you. Each client’s situation is unique and should be handled accordingly, I give my clients one-on-one, personal attention.

Choosing your divorce attorney may be one of the most important decisions in your life. Choosing well can set you up for a better financial future and can help insure your children’s future is the best it can be.

Despite what you were taught, settling is usually the right answer.

However, we’re not talking about lowering your standards.

I settle about 90% of my divorce cases. This is a huge benefit to my clients. Why? The benefits of settlement include:

  • Much less costly than a trial – the only people who are guaranteed to benefit from a trial are the divorce attorneys
  • Allows the parties to determine the outcome – not a judge
  • May not be appealed
  • Helps parties move forward with their lives by avoiding all the “mud-slinging” testimony that is inevitable at trial
  • More confidential
  • Usually resolved much faster than if you go to trial

If settlement isn't the best option, you need an experienced trial attorney.

There are several methods of settling cases and I have used all of them to achieve the best resolution for my clients’. However, some cases do need to be decided by a judge after a hearing or trial. Since I’ve been practicing for more than three decades, I am an experienced trial attorney. The last case I had go to trial resulted in judgments totaling over $300,000 before child and spousal support, and sole custody of the children to my client. I know how to support my clients in the courtroom!

"Lori Jenkins was fantastic as I went through the most difficult month of my life."

If you need a supportive lawyer to help you navigate family law, I aim to make hiring me an easy choice. With decades of experience and a love of helping families, you don’t have to do any of it alone any more. Give me a call today.

Divorce Attorney Custody Attorney Lori A. Jenkins Salem Oregon